
International Papers

Information about computer vision and machine learning academic field # About conferences In Computer Vision and Machine Learning fields, as opposed to many other disciplines, CVPR, ICCV, ECCV, NeurIPS (NIPS), ICML, ICLR and AAAI are considered as high prestigious and top-tier conferences, which deem to have larger impacts than most SCI journals. Also, WACV, BMVC, ACCV are considered as second-tier conferences. Out of them, WACV is listed in the Top-10 in Computer Vision & Pattern Recognition category according to Google scholar metric (H5-index). # About Journals IEEE TMM, IEEE TCSVT, IEEE TVT are the high-impact journals. As of 2023, JCR of IEEE TMM is ~3%, JCR of IEEE TCSVT is ~5% and JCR of IEEE TVT is ~10%.
(* indicates first author, † indicates corresponding author)



[J21] Programmable-Room: Interactive Textured 3D Room Meshes Generation Empowered by Large Language Models

IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM), 2025. (IF: 8.182, JCR 2.5%)
Jihyun Kim*, Junho Park*, Kyeongbo Kong*, Suk-Ju Kang†


[C31] Optimizing 4D Gaussians for Dynamic Scene Video from Single Landscape Images

International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), Apr. 2025. (Top-tier AI Conference, Acceptance Rate: 32.08%)
Inhwan Jin*, Haesoo Choo*, Seong-Hun Jeong, Heemoon Park, Junghwan Kim, Oh-joon Kwon, Kyeongbo Kong†



[J20] Trends in Computer Vision Researches

IEIE Transactions on Smart Processing & Computing, 2024.
Jaeseo Choi*, Chankuk Choi, Heera Ha, Kyeongbo Kong, Junghwan Kim†

[J19] Enhanced Control of Human Motion Generation Using Action-Conditioned Transformer VAE with Low-Rank Factorization

IEIE Transactions on Smart Processing & Computing, Dec. 2024.
Hyunsung Kim*, Kyeongbo Kong*, Joseph Kihoon Kim*, James Lee*, Geonho Cha, Ho-Deok Jang, Dongyoon Wee, Suk-Ju Kang†

[J18] Enhancing Stability in Training Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks via Selective Data Matching

IEEE Access, Sep. 2024. [Paper]
Kyeongbo Kong*, Kyunghun Kim, Suk-Ju Kang†

[J17] MosaicMVS: Mosaic-based Omnidirectional Multi-view Stereo for Indoor Scenes

IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM), Jul. 2024. (IF: 8.182, JCR 2.5%) [Paper]
Min-jung Shin*, Woojune Park*, Minji Cho*, Kyeongbo Kong*, Hosung Son, Joonsoo Kim, Kugjin Yun, Gwangsoon Lee, Suk-Ju Kang†

[J16] Image Clustering using Generated Text Centroids

Signal Processing: Image Communication, Jul. 2024. [Paper]
Daehyeon Kong*, Kyeongbo Kong*, Suk-Ju Kang†


[C30] Dynamic Scene Reconstruction from Single Landscape Image Using 4D Gaussian in the Wild

ECCV workshop on Wild3D: 3D Modeling, Reconstruction, and Generation in the Wild (ECCVw), Oct. 2024. (Top-tier AI Conference Workshop)
Inhwan Jin*, Haesoo Choo*, Seong-Hun Jeong, Heemoon Park, Junghwan Kim, Oh-joon Kwon, Kyeongbo Kong†

[C29] Revealing Uncertainty in Medical Application Using Bayesian Neural Network with Latent Variable Model

ECCV workshop on 3rd Uncertainty Quantification for Computer Vision (ECCVw), Oct. 2024. (Top-tier AI Conference Workshop)
Joseph Kihoon Kim*, Kyeongbo Kong*, Suk-Ju Kang†

[C28] Interactive 3D Room Generation for Virtual Reality via Compositional Programming

ECCV workshop on 3rd Computer Vision for Metaverse (ECCVw), Oct. 2024. (Top-tier AI Conference Workshop) (Oral)
Jihyun Kim*, Junho Park*, Kyeongbo Kong*, Suk-Ju Kang†

[C27] AttentionHand: Text-driven Controllable Hand Image Generation for 3D Hand Reconstruction in the Wild

European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), Oct. 2024. (Top-tier AI Conference, Oral Presentation Acceptance Rate: 2.3%) (Oral)
ECCV workshop on Observing and Understanding Hands in Action (ECCVw), Oct. 2024. (Top-tier AI Conference Workshop) (Invited)
Junho Park*, Kyeongbo Kong*, Suk-Ju Kang†

[C26] Embedding-Free Transformer with Inference Spatial Reduction for Efficient Semantic Segmentation

European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), Oct. 2024. (Top-tier AI Conference, Acceptance Rate: 27.9%)
Hyunwoo Yu*, Yubin Cho*, Beoungwoo Kang*, Moon Seunghun*, Kyeongbo Kong*, Suk-Ju Kang†

[C25] 4D Gaussian Splatting for Multi-view 3D Cinemagraphy

International Meeting on Information Display (IMID), Aug, 2024. (Invited)
Inhwan Jin*, Haesoo Choo*, Kyeongbo Kong†

[C24] Person in Place: Generating Associative Skeleton-Guidance Maps for Human-Object Interaction Image Editing

IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Jun.2024. (Top-tier AI Conference, Acceptance Rate: 23.6%) [Paper]
ChangHee Yang*, Chan Hee Kang*, Kyeongbo Kong*, Hanni Oh, Suk-Ju Kang†

[C23] Human Motion Aware Text-to-Video Generation with Explicit Camera Control

IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), Jan. 2024. (Second-tier AI Conference[Paper]
Taehoon Kim*, Chanhee Kang*, Jaehyuk Park*, Daun Jeong*, ChangHee Yang*, Suk-Ju Kang†, Kyeongbo Kong†



[J15] Human Body-Aware Feature Extractor Using Attachable Feature Corrector for Human Pose Estimation

IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM), Nov. 2023. (IF: 8.182, JCR 2.5%) [Paper]
Ginam Kim*, Hyunsung Kim*, Kyeongbo Kong, Jou Won Song, Suk-Ju Kang†

[J14] Out-of-Focus Image Deblurring for Mobile Display Vision Inspection

IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT), Sep. 2023. (IF: 8.4, JCR 5.5%) [Paper]
Sung-Jun Min*, Kyeongbo Kong*, Suk-Ju Kang†

[J13] Subject-Invariant Deep Neural Networks Based on Baseline Correction for Brain-Computer Interfaces

IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics, Apr. 2023. (IF: 7.7, JCR 5.7%) [Paper]
Youngchul Kwak*, Kyeongbo Kong, Woo-Jin Song, Seong-Eun Kim†


[C22] Text-to-Video Editing Using Direction Information of Optical Flow

International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE) Asia, Oct. 2023.
Seong-Hun Jeong*, Kyeongbo Kong†

[C21] Text-Based Video Generation with Human Motion and Controllable Camera

ICCV workshop on AI for Creative Video Editing and Understanding (ICCVw), Oct. 2023. (Top-tier AI Conference Workshop)
Taehoon Kim*, Chanhee Kang*, Jaehyuk Park*, Daun Jeong*, ChangHee Yang*, Suk-Ju Kang†, Kyeongbo Kong†

[C20] Enhancing Text-to-Video Editing with Motion Map Injection

ICCV workshop on AI for Creative Video Editing and Understanding (ICCVw), Oct. 2023. (Top-tier AI Conference Workshop) (Oral) 참가후기
Seong-Hun Jeong*, Inhwan Jin*, Haesoo Choo*, Hyunjun Na*, Kyeongbo Kong†

[C19] A Novel Framework for Generating In-the-Wild 3D Hand Datasets

ICCV workshop on Observing and Understanding Hands in Action (ICCVw), Oct. 2023. (Top-tier AI Conference Workshop)
Junho Park*, Kyeongbo Kong*, Suk-Ju Kang†

[C18] SEFD: Learning to Distill Complex Pose and Occlusion

International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), Oct. 2023. (Top-tier AI Conference, Acceptance Rate: 26.8%)  [Paper]
ChangHee Yang*, Kyeongbo Kong*, Sung-Jun Min*, Geonho Cha, Ho-Deok Jang, Dongyoon Wee, Suk-Ju Kang†

[C17] Captioning-based Extensive Painting for Image Completion

International Meeting on Information Display (IMID), Aug, 2023. (Invited)
Seong-Hun Jeong*, Kyeongbo Kong†

[C16] FeedFormer: Revisiting Transformer Decoder for Efficient Semantic Segmentation

Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), Feb. 2023. (Top-tier AI Conference, Acceptance Rate: 19.6%)  [Paper]
Jae-hun Shim*, Hyunwoo Yu*, Kyeongbo Kong*, Suk-Ju Kang†

[C15] Digital Handwriting Correction Using Deep Learning

International Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communication (ICEIC). Feb. 2023.(Best Paper Award) [Paper]
Dong-Hoon Kim*, Hyunjun Na*, Seong-Hun Jeong*, Nayoung Kim, Kyeongbo Kong†

[C14] Trends in Computer Vision Researches

International Conference on Electronics, Information, and Communication (ICEIC). Feb. 2023.
Jaeseo Choi*, Changuk Choi, Kyeongbo Kong, Junghwan Kim†

[C13] An Unified Framework for Language Guided Image Completion

IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), Jan. 2023. (Second-tier AI Conference, Acceptance Rate in Round 2: 29.1%[Paper]
Jihyun Kim*, Seong-Hun Jeong*Kyeongbo Kong*, Suk-Ju Kang†



[J12] Dynamic Hand Gesture Recognition using Improved Spatio-Temporal Graph Convolutional Network

IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT), Sep. 2022. (IF: 5.859) [Paper]
Jae-Hun Song*,  Kyeongbo Kong, Suk-Ju Kang†

[J11] Image Demoireing Via U-Net for Detection of Display Defects

IEEE Access, Jul. 2022. [Paper]
Jung-Hyun Kim*, Kyeongbo Kong, Suk-Ju Kang†

[J10] Penalty based Robust Learning with Noisy Labels

Neurocomputing, Jun. 2022. (IF: 5.779) [Paper]
Kyeongbo Kong*, Junggi Lee, Youngchul Kwak, Young-Rae Cho, Seong-Eun Kim, Woo-Jin Song†


[C12] Mosaic-based omnidirectional depth estimation for view synthesis

ECCV workshop on Learning to Generate 3D Shapes and Scenes (ECCVw), Oct. 2022. (Top-tier AI Conference Workshop)
Min-jung Shin*, Minji Cho*, Woojune Park, Kyeongbo Kong, Joonsoo Kim, Kugjin Yun, Gwangsoon Lee, Suk-Ju Kang†

[C11] Selective TransHDR: Transformer-based selective HDR Imaging using Ghost Region Mask

European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), Oct. 2022. (Top-tier AI Conference, Acceptance Rate: 28%[Paper]
Jou Won Song*, Ye In Park*, Kyeongbo Kong, Jaeho Kwak, Suk-Ju Kang†

[C10] Deep Anti-Aliasing: Image Restoration for Enhancing Display Defects Detection

International Meeting on Information Display (IMID), Aug, 2022. (Invited)
Sung-Jun Min*, Kyeongbo Kong*, Suk-Ju Kang†

[C9] Anomaly Segmentation Network Using Self-Supervised Learning

AAAI workshop on AI for Design and Manufacturing (AAAIw), Feb. 2022. (Top-tier AI Conference Workshop[Paper]
Jou Won Song*, Kyeongbo Kong*, Ye In Park, Seong-Gyun Kim, Suk-Ju Kang†

[C8] Image-Adaptive Hint Generation via Vision Transformer for Outpainting

IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), Jan. 2022. (Second-tier AI Conference[Paper]
Daehyeon Kong*, Kyeongbo Kong*, Kyunghun Kim*, Sung-Jun Min*, Suk-Ju Kang†



[J9] Knowledge Distillation-aided End-to-End Learning for Linear Precoding in Multiuser MIMO Downlink Systems with Finite-Rate Feedback

IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (TVT), Oct. 2021. (IF: 6.239) [Paper]
Kyeongbo Kong*, Woo-Jin Song, Moonsik Min†


[C7] Core-set Sampling for Efficient Neural Architecture Search

ICML workshop on SubSetML (ICMLw), Jul. 2021. (Top-tier AI Conference Workshop) (Spotlight[Paper]
Jae-hun Shim*, Kyeongbo Kong*, Suk-Ju Kang†

[C6] Selective Focusing Learning for Conditional GANs

ICML workshop on SubSetML (ICMLw), Jul. 2021. (Top-tier AI Conference Workshop) (Spotlight[Paper]
Kyeongbo Kong*, Kyunghun Kim*, Woo-Jin Song, Suk-Ju Kang†

[C5] Mitigating Memorization in Sample Selection for Learning with Noisy Labels

ICML workshop on SubSetML (ICMLw), Jul. 2021. (Top-tier AI Conference Workshop) (Spotlight[Paper]
Kyeongbo Kong*, Junggi Lee*, Youngchul Kwak, Young-Rae Cho, Seong-Eun Kim, Woo-Jin Song†

[C4] Painting Outside As Inside: Edge Guided Image Outpainting via Bidirectional Rearrangement With Progressive Step Learning

IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), Jan. 2021. (Second-tier AI Conference[Paper]
Kyunghun Kim*, Yeohun Yun, Keon-Woo Kang, Kyeongbo Kong, Siyeong Lee, Suk-Ju Kang†



[J8] Learning algorithm with noisy labels for video frame classification

Journal of the Society for Information Display, Dec. 2020. [Paper]
Junggi Lee*, Kyeongbo Kong, Woo-Jin Song†

[J7] BlockNet: A Deep Neural Network for Block-Based Motion Estimation Using Representative Matching

SYMMETRY-BASEL, May 2020. [Paper]
Junggi Lee*, Kyeongbo Kong*, Gyu Jin Bae, Woo-Jin Song†

[J6] Multilevel Feature Fusion With 3D Convolutional Neural Network for EEG-Based Workload Estimation

IEEE Access, Jan. 2020. [Paper]
Youngchul Kwak*, Kyeongbo Kong, Woo-Jin Song, Byoung-Kyong Min, Seong-Eun Kim†



[J5] How to Estimate Global Motion Non-Iteratively From a Coarsely Sampled Motion Vector Field

IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT), Dec. 2019. (IF: 4.133) [Paper]
Kyeongbo Kong*, Seungjun Shin, Junggi Lee, Woo-Jin Song†

[J4] Multitask bilateral learning for real‐time image enhancement

Journal of the Society for Information Display, Oct. 2019. [Paper]
Kyeongbo Kong*, Junggi Lee, Woo-Jin Song†, Minsung Kang, Kyung Joon Kwon, Seong Gyun Kim

[J3] Recycling: Semi-Supervised Learning With Noisy Labels in Deep Neural Networks

IEEE Access, Jun. 2019. [Paper]
Kyeongbo Kong*, Junggi Lee, Youngchul Kwak, Minsung Kang, Seong Gyun Kim, Woo-Jin Song†

[J2] Multistage Fusion With Dissimilarity Regularization for SAR/IR Target Recognition

IEEE Access, Jan. 2019. [Paper]
Young-Rae Cho*, Seungjun Shin, Sung-Hyuk Yim, Kyeongbo Kong, Hyun-Woong Cho, Woo-Jin Song†



[J1] Tone mapping to minimize visual sensation distortion considering brightness and local band-limited contrast: Minimum visual sensation distortion tone mapping

Journal of the Society for Information Display, Oct. 2017. [Paper]
Seungjun Shin*, Kyeongbo Kong, Junggi Lee, Woo-Jin Song†, Kyung Joon Kwon, Seong Gyun Kim


[C3] CNN-based LDR-to-HDR conversion system

IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), Jan. 2018. [Paper]
Seung-Jun Shin*, Kyeongbo Kong, Woo-Jin Song†

[C2] Histogram-based Non-Iterative Global Motion Estimation

International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC), Jul. 2016.
Kyeongbo Kong*, Seungjun Shin, Woo-Jin Song†

[C1] Time-consistent Depth Estimation for 2D-to-3D Conversion System Using Color Histogram and Variance Map

International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC), Jul. 2016.
Seungjun Shin*, Kyeongbo Kong, Woo-Jin Song†